Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

Luis Carlos “Manimal”

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Gordon Ryan Guard Passing Instructional

Luís Carlos, also known as “Manimal” is a famous jiu jitsu black belt under the late Master Carlson Gracie, who followed a career in coaching, having produced high level talent such as Raphael Abi-Rihan or “Guga” Campos. a true “casca grossa” (old school tough guy) Manimal lived with Master Carlson for several years having, being one of the Master’s best friends.

Luis Carlos Manimal Jiu Jitsu

Full Name: Luís Carlos Mateus Dias

Nickname: “Manimal” was the name given to Luis Carlos at the Carlson Gracie gym as a way to describe his wildness when fighting. This wildness he has carried to his coaching style, always extremely vocal and not afraid to display his emotions.

Lineage: Mitsuyo Maeda > Carlos GracieCarlson Gracie > Luis Carlos Mateus

Main Achievements:

  • Campeao Brasileiro (1992);
  • International Masters and Seniors Champion (1999 weight / absolute)
  • 3x Copa Company Champion;
  • 2x Copa Lightning Bold Champion;
  • Rolls Gracie Cup Champion

Weight Division: Lightweight 76kg-167lbs (when competed in Adult division)

Team/Association: Carlson Gracie/Manimal Fight Team

Luis Carlos Manimal Biography

A Rio de Janeiro Native, Luiz Carlos Mateus Dias started his jiu jitsu training under the guidance of Carlos Gracie Junior with whom he stayed until his blue belt, though he already had a background in martial arts, namely Capoeira. It was then that Manimal would come to meet the man that would become his master and one of his closest friends, Master Carlson Gracie. He achieved all his belts from there on from Carlson including his black belt and was considered a true force when competing, always fighting (and winning) on the open weight divisions even though he was a lightweight. Manimal was so proud when he got his Carlson Gracie black belt that he took it to his graduation ceremony (graduated in Company Administration).

Manimal coached at Carlson Gracie’s as an assistant at first and later opened an academy of his own – with his master’s consent. With time Manimal became one of Carlson Gracie’s closest friends and accompanied his master on many of his trips abroad.

Carlson Gracie’s death in 2006 came as a tremendous shock to Manimal, who succumbed to the death of his master and decided to stop coaching for a while to recompose himself. This bad period was followed by a decrease in health of the black belt who had 3 kidney surgeries shortly after. He came back to coaching full time in 2009.

John Danaher BJJ Escapes


  • paul says:

    where is Manimal`s school?

  • mussumba says:

    manimal está no rio de janeiro brasil e tem uma academia em copacabana rua siqueira campos

  • dave says:

    how do i contact manimal ? i rained with him in 2001 ! he was outstanding and would like to get back in contact my number is 07814 555425

    • Manimal says:

      fala dave, estou te esperando para treinar na rua siqueira campos (centro comercial esquina com nossa senhora de copacabana) 3ºandar sala 323. Im waiting for you, we have classes during all day. Call me 55 2178687767. Um abraço do mestre MANIMAL..
      Estou também nas redes sociais orkut e facebook. Me adicione

      • Armando says:

        Nice, to see you back. I hope to visit Brasil soon, I would like to visit and train again with you. Last time I visited I was with Miguel Torres.

  • Gustavo Casemiro says:

    Hey Dave this is a facebook of tha master Manimal:!/profile.php?id… . Congratulations master, is a honor be your disciple!!

  • Ricardo Guterres says:

    Mestre Luís Carlos Matheus, O Manimal, faz história com seu brasilian jiu-jitsu em todo mundo, construindo e revelando atletas campeões e moldando o caráter dessas personalidades. Além disso, também salva famílias inteiras quando forma um atleta, transformando pedra bruta em diamantes nos tatames. Premio nobel da arte suave para o mestre, rei de Copacabana e do Brasil. Osss.

  • Edu says:

    Fico Feliz em fazer parte da Familia MANIMAL. Não vj a hr de conhecer o Mestre. Oss ( Onegai Shimass)

    • Guilherme says:

      Edu em que filial você treina? As portas da Manimal Family em Copacabana onde o mestre dá aulas diariamente estão sempre abertas. Abraço, Guilherminho (fx preta Manimal Family)

  • Guilherme says:

    Please, update the page of Luis Carlos "Manimal" at the part of Main Achievements with Brazilian Champion 1999 (weigth/absolute). Please also update the name of Team/Association – Carlson Gracie/ Manimal Family JiuJitsu and to conclude please add the paragraph sayng Manimal still coach BJJ, MMA and Self Defense to open and private classes at rua siqueira campos 43 sala 323, Rio de Janeiro. Phone +55 21 7868 77 67.

  • masterviniciusamaral says:

    Osssss! ~ Holli Noel

  • Thiago Coimbra says:

    Manimal esta certamente entre os 5 faixas pretas da história do Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro.
    Como treinador pode ser considerado o melhor ! Muito orgulho em fazer parte desta família que além de lapidar atletas , formar faixas pretas , agrega valores num todo !!!! Abs…….

  • Elton(Castor) says:

    Parabéns Manimal, fico feliz de ver a equipe crescendo cada vez mais e sua história se espalhando por todos os lugares do mundo.
    Um grande abraço do Castor !! Ossss

  • Don Dustin Michael says:

    Master Manimal is a great teacher and a great guy as well. He recently visited my academy in the US, and I was fortunate enough to get a private lesson with him. He is tough as well and probably submitted me ten times! He knows a wristlock from pretty much any place you grab his gi, and he is excellent at leg locks as well.

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