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IBJJF 2016 World Jiu Jitsu Championship Full Results: Buchecha Makes History!

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John Danaher Instructionals

HISTORY WAS MADE! The ultimate jiu jitsu tournament has ended, and as expected, it did not disappoint bringing out the top BJJ athletes in the world. Many anxiously awaited this year’s IBJJF World Championship to witness the return of Marcus Almeida “Buchecha” to competition, one of the sports biggest stars. Coming out of a long lay-off due to knee surgery undertaken last year, much was expected from the ultra-heavyweight from Checkmat. Buchecha delivered with amazing performances, and by breaking the open weight division record set by Roger Gracie in 2010, of 3 world titles. Almeida earned his 4th absolute title at black belt, while also winning his weight class, an incredible achievement for the sport’s (now) all time best.

This year’s tournament was set to break records, with not only Marcus Almeida’s open weight legacy on the line, but also that of Rafael Mendes. The Atos representative reached his 6th black belt world title at featherweight, breaking the world record set by himself last year.

Bruno Malfacine continued his dominance of the roosterweights, pushing is own record now to 8 world titles, obliterating the former record of Omar Salum established in 2000 (2 titles).

Another impressive achievement was that of Domynika Obelenyte, the 20 year old Lithuanian-American athlete conquered her second successive double gold and is the youngest ever athlete to achieve this deed.

Below you will see the champions as well as the results from each of the matches that took place in the men’s black belt divisions. More details on these to come out soon.

Date: 1-5 June, 2016
Venue: Walter Pyramid
1250 N Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840


Bruno Malfacine (Alliance)
Final vs Caio Terra: Result 0x0 pts, 2×0 adv

Paulo Miyao (PSLPB)
Final vs Ary Farias: Result 4×2 pts

Rafael Mendes (Atos)
Final vs Márcio André: Result 10×10 pts, 2×1 advantages

Lucas Lepri (Alliance)
Final vs Edwin Najmi: win by choke from the back

Otavio Sousa closed division with team mate Gabriel Arges (Gracie Barra)

Leandro Lo (Ns Brotherhood)
Final vs Romulo Barral: Result 5×0 pts

Andre Galvao (Atos)
Final vs Jackson Sousa: Result 2×2 pts, advantages 1×1, negative points 3×3. Referee decision

Leo Nogueira (Alliance)
Final vs Alexandro Ceconi: Result 0x0 pts, 2×0 advantages

Marcus Almeida (Checkmat)
Final vs James Puopolo: win by armbar

Marcus Almeida (Checkmat)
Final vs Erberth Santos: Result4x2 


Rikako Yuasa (Paraestra)
Final vs Outi Jarvilehto: win by choke from the back

Gezary Matuda (ATT)
Final vs Kristina Barlaan: win by choke

Mackenzie Dern (Gracie Humaitá)
Final vs Michelle Nicolini: win by choke from omoplata

Beatriz Mesquita (Gracie Humaitá)
Final vs Sarah Black: win on points

Monique Elias (Alliance)
Final vs Luiza Monteiro: Result 10×10 pts, referee decision

Andresa Correa (Alliance)
Final vs Sijara Eubanks: Result 10×0 pts

Fernanda Mazelli (Strike)
Final vs Alyson Tremblay: Result 2×2 pts, referee decision

Domynika Obelenyte (Alliance)
Final vs Venla Luukkonen: Result 33×0 pts, referee decision

Domynika Obelenyte (Alliance)
Final vs Beatriz Mesquita: 2×2 pts, 1×0 advantage


WinnerLooserMethodWeight DivisionRDS
Joao MiyaoTomoyuki HashimotoPts57KGR1
Rodnei BarbosaAndrea VerdemareSubmission57KGR1
Lucas PinheiroT. YoshiokaPts57KGR1
Koji ShibamotoGabriel RosenbergSubmission57KGR1
Tiago BarrosIvaniel OliveiraPts57KG1/4F
Joao MiyaoLucas PinheiroAdvantage57KG1/4F
Caio TerraKoji ShibamotoAdvantages57KG1/4F
Bruno MalfacineRodnei BarbosaPts57KG1/4F
Caio TerraJoao MiyaoPts57KGSF
Bruno MalfacineTiago BarrosSubmission57KGSF
Mikey MusumeciLuis PintoSubmission64KGR1
Isaac DoederleinDaniel BelezaAdvantage64KGR1
Paulo SantanaWashington Liman/a64KGR1
Paulo MiyaoPaulo Santanan/a64KGR2
Ary FariasMilton BastosSubmission64KGR2
Gabriel MoraesMayko BorgesPts64KGR2
Gianno GrippoJordy Peuten/a64KGR2
Hiago GeorgeKazuhiro MiyachiSubmission64KGR2
Tiago BarrosRafael FreitasPts64KGR2
Paulo MiyaoTakuto KakoPts64KG1/4F
Ary FariasGabriel MoraesPts64KG1/4F
Isaac DoederleinMikey MusumeciAdvantage64KG1/4F
Hiago GeorgeGianni GrippoPts64KG1/4F
Ary FariasHiago GeorgeRef. decision64KGSF
Paulo MiyaoIsaac DoederleinPts64KGSF
Ed RamosWanki Chaen/a70KGR1
Samir ChantreVitor Matosn/a70KGR1
Sergio GonzalezWellington DiasSubmission70KGR1
Italo LinsJeffrey CummingsPts70KGR1
Nicollas WelkerDiego Bispon/a70KGR1
Isaque PaivaThiago MacedoAdvantage70KGR1
Fabio CaloiDaisuke Shirakin/a70KGR1
J. ThomasBrian Mahechan/a70KGR1
Ichitaro TsukadaAshley WilliamsAdvantage70KGR1
Marcio AndreNicollas WelkerSubmission70KGR2
Rafael MendesIchitaro TsukadaSubmission70KGR2
Gabriel MarangoniIsaque PaivaSubmission70KGR2
Rubens CharlesSergio GonzalezSubmission70KGR2
Osvaldo MoizinhoFabio CaloiSubmission70KGR2
Bruno FrazattoItalo Linsn/a70KGR2
Samir ChantreEd Ramosn/a70KGR2
Rubens CharlesSamir ChantrePts70KG1/4F
Osvaldo MoizinhoGabriel MarangoniPts70KG1/4F
Rafael MendesLeo SaggioroPts70KG1/4F
Marcio AndreBruno FrazattoPts70KG1/4F
Rafael MendesOsvaldo MoizinhoSubmission70KGSF
Marcio AndreRubens CharlesPts70KGSF
Gabriel RolloDiego VivaldoPts76KGR1
Rafael BabosaRodrigo Freitasn/a76KGR1
Kevin MahechaChoi Choin/a76KGR1
Michael LieraIlke BulutSubmission76KGR1
Alex CabanesRafael Rosendon/a76KGR1
Francisco IturraldeAntonio MugnaimiSubmission76KGR1
Lachlan GilesRenan Borgesn/a76KGR1
Masahiro IwasakiCaio SilvaAdvantage76KGR1
Thiago AbreuRoberto SatoshiSubmission76KGR1
Juan KamezawaPedro FariasPts76KGR1
Mansher KheraAJ AgazarmPts76KGR1
Mansher KheraThiago AbreuPts76KGR1
JT TorresLachlan Gilesn/a76KGR2
Lucas LepriMasahiro IwasakiPts76KGR2
Michael LieraJuan KamezawaAdvantage76KGR2
Gabriel RolloRafael BabosaPts76KGR2
Michael LanghiKevin Mahechan/a76KGR2
Edwin NajmiAlex CaceresAdvantage76KGR2
Lucas LepriMansher KheraSubmission76KG1/4F
Gabriel RolloMichael LanghiRef. decision76KG1/4F
JT TorresFrancisco IturraldeAdvantage76KG1/4F
Edwin NajmiMichael LieraAdvantage76KG1/4F
Lucas LepriJT TorresAdvantage76KGSF
Edwin NajmiGabriel RolloSubmission76KGSF
Gabriel GoulartMagid HagePts82KGR1
Marcos TinocoVictor EstimaPts82KGR2
Diogo SampaioAlec BauldingPts82KGR2
AJ SousaCelso ViniciusPts82KGR2
Dillon DanisVictor SilverioPts82KGR2
Gabriel ArgesManuel RibamarPts82KGR2
Otavio SousaSanteri LiliusSubmission82KGR2
Alan FinfouLuca AnacoretaPts82KGR2
Claudio CalasansJavier YamuniPts82KGR2
Lucas LeiteDarrah O'ConnailPts82KGR2
Guto CamposRodrigo ReisPts82KGR2
Jonathan SatavaBrian Beauryn/a82KGR2
Jhonny LoureiroVinicius AgudoSubmission82KGR2
Victor OliveiraAnderson FariaPts82KGR2
Jaime CanutoRicardo Rezende82KGR2
Yago SouzaGabriel GoulartSubmission82KGR2
Otavio SousaJonathan Satava82KG1/8F
Claudio CalasansDiego Sampaio82KG1/8F
Lucas LeiteVinicius Marinho82KG1/8F
Marcus TinocoJaime Canuto82KG1/8F
Gabriel ArgesCelso ViniciusPts82KG1/8F
Yago SouzaAlan Finfou82KG1/8F
Jhonny LoureiroVitor OliveiraPts82KG1/8F
Dillon DanisGustavo Campos82KG1/8F
Otavio SousaDillon DanisPts82KG1/4F
Gabriel ArgesClaudio CalasansKneebar82KG1/4F
Marcos TinocoLucas LeitePts82KG1/4F
Yago SouzaJhonny LoureiroPts82KG1/4F
Gabriel ArgesMarcos TinocoKneebar82KGSF
Otavio SousaYago SouzaPts82KGSF
Matheus DinizThiago SaPts88KGR1
Manny DiazRodrigo FajardoPts88KGR1
Tanner RiceGregor GracieAdvantage88KGR1
Ruan OliveiraInacio Neto88KGR1
Lucas BarbosaJorge Britto88KGR1
Romulo BarralVicente CavalcantiSubmission88KG1/8F
Murilo SantanaLucas BarbosaPts88KG1/8F
Tarsis HumphreysRuan OliveiraPts88KG1/8F
Matheus DinizManny DiazPts88KG1/8F
Patrick GaudioSteve Patterson88KG1/8F
Leandro LoCharles Negromonte88KG1/8F
Renato CardosoGiacomo ZaniniSubmission88KG1/8F
Keenan CorneliusTanner RiceSubmission88KG1/8F
Leandro LoMatheus DinizPts88KG1/4F
Patrick GaudioTarsis HumphreysAdvantage88KG1/4F
Romulo BarralMurilo SantanaPts88KG1/4F
Keenan CorneliusRenato CardosoPts88KG1/4F
Romulo BarralPatrick GaudioSubmission88KGSF
Leandro LoKeenan CorneliusPts88KGSF
Jackson SousaDiego GamonalSubmission94KGR1
Arnaldo MaidanaDimitrius SouzaAdvantage94KGR1
Felipe PenaEduardo Inojosa94KGR1
Andre GalvaoFelipe Mota94KGR1
Andre GalvaoLucas RochaPenalties94KG1/4F
Cassio FrancisDimitrius SouzaAdvantages94KG1/4F
Jackson SousaFelipe PenaPts94KG1/4F
Guilherme AugustoErberth SantosPts94KG1/4F
Jackson SousaGuilherme AugustoPts94KGSF
Andre GalvaoCassio FrancisPts94KGSF
Leo NogueiraWellington Peroto100KGR1
Igor SilvaPedro AraujoAdvantage100KGR1
Rodrigo CavacaFelipe Bueno100KGR1
Leo NogueiraVitor ToledoPts100KG1/4F
Igor SilvaRodrigo CavacaPts100KG1/4F
Luiz PanzaPaul ArdillaSubmission100KG1/4F
Leo NogueiraLuiz PanzaPts100KGSF
Andre GalvaoCassio FrancisAdvantage100KGSF
James PuopoloMahamad AlyPtsO100KGR1
Ricardo EvangelistaKitner MouraPtsO100KGR1
Gustavo EliasDany GerardRef. DecisionO100KGR1
Joao RochaPedro MouraO100KG1/4F
Joao RochaAlexander TransRef. DecisionO100KG1/4F
James PuopoloCarlos FariasPtsO100KG1/4F
Ricardo EvangelistaOtavio NataliPtsO100KG1/4F
Marcus AlmeidaJoao GabrielSubmissionO100KGSF
James PuopoloRicardo EvangelistaPtsO100KGSF

Cover photo taken from IBJJF Facebook page.

John Danaher BJJ Escapes

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