Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

BJJ Fanatics Instructionals
BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

Paulo Miyao

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Nicholas Meregali Instructionals

Paulo Miyao is a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu under Cicero Costha. Considered a phenomenon of the sport since his teens, Paulo and his twin brother João Miyao, conquered all major titles in this sport while climbing its ranks, including a gold medal in the open weight division of the IBJJF World Championship (2013 brown belt), an amazing accomplishment for a light featherweight competitor (64kg/141lbs).

Paulo Miyao Jiu-Jitsu

Full name: Paulo Henrique Bordignon Miyao

Nickname: n/a

Lineage: Carlos Gracie > Helio Gracie > Rickson Gracie > Marcelo Behring > Waldomiro Perez > Roberto Godoi > Marco Barbosa > Cicero Costha > Paulo Miyao

Main Achievements :

  • 1st Place IBJJF World Championship (2015 / 2016 / 2019)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Pan Championship (2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2019)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Pan Championship NOGI (2015 / 2021)
  • 1st Place IBJJF European Open (2019 / 2022)
  • 1st Place ACB JJ 65 KG (2018)
  • 1st Place ACB JJ 6 Grand Prix (2017)
  • 1st Place ACB JJ 8 Grand Prix (2017)
  • 1st Place CBJJ Brazilian Nationals (2014)
  • 1st Place UAEJJF Abu Dhabi World Pro (2018 / 2019)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship (2014)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship NOGI (2021)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF European Open (2016)
  • 3rd Place ADCC World Championship (2017 / 2019)
  • 3rd Place IBJJF World Championship NOGI (2015)
  • 3rd Place CBJJ Brazilian Nationals (2019)

Main Achievements (Colored Belts):

  • 1st Place IBJJF World Championship (2013** brown, 2012 / 2011 purple)
  • 1st Place IBJJF Pan Championship (2013 brown)
  • 1st Place IBJJF European Open (2013 brown)
  • 1st Place CBJJ Brazilian Nationals (2013** brown, purple 2012)
  • 1st Place CBJJ Brazilian No-Gi Nationals (2012 brown)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship (2012* purple)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF Pan Championship (2013* brown)
  • 3rd Place IBJJF Pan Championship (2012* purple)
  • 3rd Place IBJJF European Open (2013* brown)
  • 3rd Place CBJJ Brazilian No-Gi Nationals (2013* brown)

2016 Stripped of title
* Absolute
** Weight and absolute

Position/Technique Favorite: Berimbolo

Weight Division: Pluma (64,00 kg/141.5 lbs)

Academy: Unity JJ – PSLPB Cicero Costha

Biography of Paulo Miyao

Paulo Miyao was born on May 11, 1991 in the city Andirá in the state of Paraná – Brazil, along with his twin brother João Miyao. They are 3rd generation Japanese descendants with humble beginnings, being the sons of a farmer and a housewife.

The Miyao’s began their martial arts instruction through Judo, but found Jiu Jitsu at the age of 16 and never looked back. The Miyao bros first teacher was Adriano Carvalho, who early on recognized the talent these two boys possessed and encouraged them to train and fight more regularly. With the Jiu Jitsu “bug” growing and growing, the two brothers decided they wanted to become Jiu Jitsu fighters professionally and so as they soon as they were of age they moved to São Paulo (against the wishes of their parents) to pursue their dream.

In São Paulo the Miyao brothers found a home in Cicero Costha’s social project, the PSLPB or Projeto Social Lutando Pelo Bem (Fighting for Good Social Project), a place that has brought to BJJ great quality fighters such as Leandro Lo or Mauricio Cristo. Living within the academy along with other eager athletes, the brothers began winning many championships focusing many of their techniques on the Mendes brothers (Rafael and Guilherme). Their sharp and bendy guards and the fact the Miyao’s were consistently medalling in the absolute divisions weighing only 64 kilos brought the curiosity of the media to the Paraná duo, and with this curiosity/recognition came the sponsorships needed for siblings to showcase their skills in the top competitions of the world, a test they passed with flying colors.

Although Paulo Miyao has received a brown belt before João, João caught up with his brother and the two ended up getting the desired black belt together in June 2013.

Failed USADA Test

During April 2017 news Paulo released a statement explaining he had tested positive for an illegal performance-enhancing drug (PED), during a USADA routine test after the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) World Championship of 2016. Miyao took full responsibility for the act and was suspended for 2 years by the federation, being also stripped of the title he had won.

Miyao Brothers Instructional

[fighter_status id=359]

Paulo Miyao Grappling Record

218 WINS
    111 (51%)
    22 (10%)
    73 (33%)
    10 (5%)
    0 (0%)
    1 (0%)


Choke from back
Calf slicer
Reverse triangle
Clock choke
Toe hook
7YO choke
Heel hook
Short choke
Triangle armbar
Inside heel hook
    8 (32%)
    8 (32%)
    0 (0%)
    8 (32%)
    0 (0%)
  • BY DQ
    1 (4%)


Paulo Miyao Fight History

ID Opponent W/L Method Competition Weight Stage Year
4705Diogo SampaioDiogo SampaioLPts: 4x2Copa Podio88KGSF2013
5251Rafael MendesRafael MendesLPts: 3x0European70KGF2014
5531Lucas LepriLucas LepriLReferee DecisionBrasileiroABS4F2014
5641Thiago BarretoThiago BarretoLPts: 0x0, AdvWorld Pro.64KG4F2014
5755Guilherme MendesGuilherme MendesLAdvWorld Champ.64KGF2014
5918Alexandre SouzaAlexandre SouzaLPts: 0x0, AdvFloripa BB IIABSSPF2014
5933Claudio CalasansClaudio CalasansLPts: 2x2, AdvMundial CBJJEABSSF2014
5997Renato CardosoRenato CardosoLPts: 3x0Camp. InternacionalABSF2014
6088Osvaldo MoizinhoOsvaldo MoizinhoLReferee DecisionIBJJF Pro League70KGF2014
8407Osvaldo MoizinhoOsvaldo MoizinhoLPts: 8x8, AdvNoGi Worlds67KGSF2015
8924Marcio AndreMarcio AndreLReferee DecisionEuropean Open70KGF2016
9580Marcio AndreMarcio AndreLPts: 0x0, AdvWorld Pro69KGF2016
10276Marcos TinocoMarcos TinocoLPts: 0x0, AdvNY Summer OpenABSSF2016
11700Thalison S.LDQADCC SP Trials66KGR22017
13920Rubens CharlesRubens CharlesLPts: 0x0ADCC66KGSF2017
17565Gianni GrippoGianni GrippoLPts: 2x0Grand Slam LA69KGF2018
18100J. AlvesLPts: 2x0Spyder Inv. Final76KGF2018
18212Gianni GrippoGianni GrippoLPts: 3x2Kasai Pro 465KGF2018
20264Isaac DoederleinIsaac DoederleinLPts: 2x2, AdvBrasileiro70KGSF2019
21918Augusto MendesAugusto MendesLReferee DecisionADCC66KGSF2019
22169Gabriel SousaGabriel SousaLPts: 4x2European NoGi67KG4F2019
24115Geo MartinezGeo MartinezLReferee DecisionWNO 465KGSPF2020
24154Josh CisnerosJosh CisnerosLReferee DecisionPan American64KG4F2020
28254Bebeto OliveiraLReferee DecisionNoGi Worlds61KGF2021
29412Ashley WilliamsAshley WilliamsLReferee DecisionPolaris 1866KGSPF2021
4374Jon FitchD---World ExpoABSSPF2013
4689Manny DiazManny DiazWPts: 2x0Copa Podio88KGGP2013
4692Jaime CanutoJaime CanutoD---Copa Podio88KGGP2013
4702Renato CardosoRenato CardosoWChoke from backCopa Podio88KGGP2013
4707T. StevensWPts: 2x2, AdvCopa Podio88KG3PLC2013
4882Claudio MattosClaudio MattosWAdvBrasileiro CBJJENANA2013
4883João RafaelWDQBrasileiro CBJJENANA2013
4884Thiago RodriguesWChoke from backBrasileiro CBJJENANA2013
4886Augusto GaldezWChoke from backBrasileiro CBJJENANA2013
5127Daisuke AmazonWPts: 24x0Bull Terrier70KGF2013
5229Nicolas WelkerWPts: 4x0World Pro Trial70KGSF2014
5230Fernando VieiraFernando VieiraWAdvWorld Pro Trial70KGF2014
5250S. FranceschiniWClock chokeEuropean70KGSF2014
5336John NamWArmbarPan American64KG4F2014
5338Vitor PaschoalWChoke from backPan American64KGSF2014
5524Andre SimoesWChoke from backBrasileiroABSR12014
5526Alexandre CeconiAlexandre CeconiWPts: 2x2, AdvBrasileiroABSR12014
5543David LemesDavid LemesWChoke from backBrasileiro70KGSF2014
5544Leo SaggioroLeo SaggioroWPts: 4x0Brasileiro70KGF2014
5745Tomoya YanagisawaWChoke from backWorld Champ.64KG8F2014
5751Dai YoshiokaWAdvWorld Champ.64KG4F2014
5754Gabriel MoraesGabriel MoraesWPointsWorld Champ.64KGSF2014
5876Leo SaggioroLeo SaggioroWPts: 8x0Rio Open70KGF2014
5892Isaque PaivaIsaque PaivaWPointsSP Open70kgF2014
5919Erik RaposoWSubmissionSul Brasileiro70KGSF2014
5920David LemesDavid LemesWToe hookSul Brasileiro70KGF2014
5924Ricardo LimaWClock chokeSul BrasileiroABS4F2014
5925Gustavo AlmeidaWTriangleSul BrasileiroABSSF2014
5927Jurandir ConceicaoJurandir ConceicaoWChoke from backSul BrasileiroABSF2014
5931Manoel OliveiraWReferee DecisionMundial CBJJEABSR12014
5932Alan RegisWPts: 2x2, AdvMundial CBJJEABS4F2014
6087Koji ShibamotoKoji ShibamotoWPts: 14x2IBJJF Pro League70KGSF2014
6133Leo SaggioroLeo SaggioroWReferee DecisionRio BJJ Pro70KGF2014
6250Leo SaggioroLeo SaggioroWPts: 4x2South American70KGF2014
6255Isaque PaivaIsaque PaivaWN/ASouth American70KGSF2014
6256Leo SaggioroLeo SaggioroWPts: 4x2South American70KGF2014
6434Jorge NakamuraWKimuraBrazil Nat. Pro65KG4F2015
6435Jackson FaveroWChoke from backBrazil Nat. Pro65KGSF2015
6525Luis LopesWCalf slicerEuropean64KG4F2015
6528Thomas LisboaThomas LisboaWPts: 11x0European64KGSF2015
6671Luiz FelipeWPts: 6x4All Star Pro65KGF2015
6672Rafael BarbosaRafael BarbosaWPts: 10x6All Star ProABSF2015
6785Yoshihiko MatsumotoWChoke from backPan American64KG4F2015
6788Joao SomaliaJoao SomaliaWArmbarPan American64KGSF2015
6967Rafael PereiraWPointsChicago Spring76KGF2015
7012Andre MonteiroAndre MonteiroWPointsNY Spring Open70KGSF2015
7013Gianni GrippoGianni GrippoWAdvNY Spring Open70KGF2015
7223Onefre LimaWPts: 23x0Brasileiro70KG4F2015
7224Victor MatosWPts: 10x0Brasileiro70KGSF2015
7226Isaque PaivaIsaque PaivaWPts: 8x6Brasileiro70KGF2015
7288Gianni GrippoGianni GrippoWPts: 9x2Boston Spring Open70KGF2015
7338Tom BarlowWPts: 3x0Las Vegas Open70KGSF2015
7339Eduardo RamosWPts: 4x4, AdvLas Vegas Open70KGF2015
7415Victor PaschoalWChoke from backWorld Champ.64KG4F2015
7417Kim TerraKim TerraWPts: 8x2World Champ.64KGSF2015
7418Daniel BelezaDaniel BelezaWChoke from backWorld Champ.64KGF2015
7576Luiz TeixeiraWPts: 6x4BJJ TourABSF2015
7578Rafael BarbosaRafael BarbosaWPts: 10x6BJJ Tour88KGF2015
7603Wanki ChaeWanki ChaeWPts: 8x4US No Gi Nat.70KGF2015
7610Jerold ShapiroWChoke from backAmerican Nat.70KG4F2015
7614Kim TerraKim TerraWPointsAmerican Nat.70KGSF2015
7615Samir ChantreSamir ChantreWChoke from backAmerican Nat.70KGF2015
7670Joao FerreiraWPts: 10x2NY Summer Open76KGF2015
7679Sidemar HonorioWArmbarNY No Gi Open70KGF2015
7750Travis OrrWPointsAustin Open76KGSF2015
7751Thiago MacedoThiago MacedoWPts: 4x4, AdvAustin Open76KGF2015
7820D. DrzymkowskiWChoke from backChicago S. Open76KGSF2015
7821Diego BispoDiego BispoWChoke from backChicago S. Open76KGF2015
7824Steven PattersonWPts: 6x0Chicago S. OpenABSF2015
7825Diego BispoDiego BispoWCalf slicerChicago No Gi76KGF2015
7873Ichitaro TsukadaWChoke from backGrand Slam TYO69KG4F2015
7875Charles GasparWPts: 4x0Grand Slam TYO69KGSF2015
7876Tiago BravoTiago BravoWPts: 8x2Grand Slam TYO69KGF2015
8056Fabio CaloiFabio CaloiWPointsBrazil Nat. Pro69KG4F2015
8057UnknownWOmoplataBrazil Nat. Pro69KGSF2015
8058Rodrigo CardosoWChoke from backBrazil Nat. Pro69KGF2015
8072Caio GregorioWPts: 10x0Brazil Nat. ProU77KG4F2015
8073Felipe CesarFelipe CesarWPointsBrazil Nat. ProU77KGSF2015
8075Gabriel RolloGabriel RolloWPts: 4x2Brazil Nat. ProU77KGF2015
8174Edson OliveiraWTriangleNoGi Pan Ams70KGSF2015
8175Gianni GrippoGianni GrippoWReferee DecisionNoGi Pan Ams70KGF2015
8246Matthew MaganaWPts: 13x0Grand Slam LA69KG4F2015
8248Osvaldo MoizinhoOsvaldo MoizinhoWPts: 6x4Grand Slam LA69KGSF2015
8250Samir ChantreSamir ChantreWPts: 5x0Grand Slam LA69KGF2015
8400Thiago MacedoThiago MacedoWPts: 4x0NoGi Worlds67KG8F2015
8406Wilson ReisWilson ReisWPts: 6x4NoGi Worlds67KG4F2015
8547Samir ChantreSamir ChantreWReferee DecisionBerkut 2ABSSPF2015
8622Roberto JunotWChoke from backGrand Slam RJ69KG8F2015
8628Raphael CadenaWPts: 6x6, AdvGrand Slam RJ69KG4F2015
8630Fernando VieiraFernando VieiraWPts: 8x8, AdvGrand Slam RJ69KGF2015
8919Masahiro IwasakiMasahiro IwasakiWPts: 5x0European Open70KG4F2016
8922Brian MahechaBrian MahechaWChoke from backEuropean Open70KGSF2016
9249Jordan GomezWChoke from backPan American70KG8F2016
9254Jon Van BurenWPts: 15x2Pan American70KG4F2016
9258Bruno FrazattoBruno FrazattoWPts: 4x2Pan American70KGSF2016
9259Osvaldo MoizinhoOsvaldo MoizinhoWPts: 6x6, AdvPan American70KGF2016
9463Joel BurgessWChoke from backNY Spring Open70KGSF2016
9464Isaac DoederleinIsaac DoederleinWPts: 3x0NY Spring Open70KGF2016
9568Vitor MatosWChoke from backWorld Pro69KGR12016
9574Brian MahechaBrian MahechaWPointsWorld Pro69KG4F2016
9578Tiago BravoTiago BravoWChoke from backWorld Pro69KGSF2016
9731Bruno FonsecaWChoke from backBrasileiro70KG8F2016
9734Leon AmancioWPointsBrasileiro70KG4F2016
9737Fabio CaloiFabio CaloiWPts: 10x4Brasileiro70KGSF2016
9738Isaque PaivaIsaque PaivaWPts: 10x4Brasileiro70KGF2016
9928Paulo SantanaWChoke from backWorld Champ.64KGR22016
9934Takuto KakoWPts: 24x0World Champ.64KG4F2016
9939Isaac DoederleinIsaac DoederleinWPts: 4x0World Champ.64KGSF2016
9940Ary FariasAry FariasWPts: 4x2World Champ.64KGF2016
10138Felipe BritoWArmbarBH Open70KGF2016
10144Felipe BritoWPts: 12x0BH No-Gi Open70KGF2016
10198Rene LopezWChoke from backAmerican Nats70KG4F2016
10201Orlando MachadoWN/AAmerican Nats70KGSF2016
10203Thiago MacedoThiago MacedoWPts: 4x4, AdvAmerican Nats70KGF2016
10282Felipe SimoesWChoke from backNY Summer Open70KGSF2016
10438H. SongWArmbarGrand Slam LA69KG4F2016
10440Felipe SimplicioWArmbarGrand Slam LA69KGSF2016
10441Isaac DoederleinIsaac DoederleinWPts: 2x0Grand Slam LA69KGF2016
10469J. CloptonWN/AG. Slam NG LA67KGSF2016
11699UnknownWRNCADCC SP Trials66KGR12017
11734Denver SantosWPointsADCC RJ66KGR12017
11735Rafael GomesWOmoplataADCC RJ66KGR22017
11736Mateus VieiraWRNCADCC RJ66KG8F2017
11737Fernando CarsaladeWRNCADCC RJ66KG4F2017
11738Pedro NobreW7YO chokeADCC RJ66KGSF2017
11739Bruno SilvaWRNCADCC RJ66KGF2017
12983Urijah FaberWEBI/OTSUG 470KGSPF2017
13246Nick RyanWPts: 8x0UGA66KGSPF2017
13462Osvaldo MoizinhoOsvaldo MoizinhoWPointsACBJJ 665KG4F2017
13464Augusto MendesAugusto MendesWPointsACBJJ 665KGSF2017
13465Gabriel MarangoniGabriel MarangoniWChoke from backACBJJ 665KGF2017
13910Janus AndrejczukWPts: 10x0ADCC66KGE12017
13917Geo MartinezGeo MartinezWPts: 8x2ADCC66KG4F2017
13922Pablo MantovaniPablo MantovaniWPts: 10x0ADCC66KG3RD2017
14236Bruno CélioWHeel hookACBJJ 865KG4F2017
14241Gabriel MarangoniGabriel MarangoniWPointsACBJJ 865KGSF2017
14242Kim TerraKim TerraWPointsACBJJ 865KGF2017
14609Asadulaev AgateWShort chokeACB JJ Worlds65KGSF2017
14611Pablo MantovaniPablo MantovaniWPts: 2x0ACB JJ Worlds65KGF2017
14824Daniel VieiraWChoke from backGrand Slam AD69KGSF2018
14825Tiago BravoTiago BravoWPts: 5x0Grand Slam AD69KGF2018
14978Augusto MendesAugusto MendesWPointsACB 1065KGSPF2018
15079UknownWPointsACB S. American65KGR12018
15081UknownWArmbarACB S. American65KG4F2018
15083UknownWReverse triangleACB S. American65KGSF2018
15084Isaque PaivaIsaque PaivaWPts: 4x2ACB S. American65KGF2018
15203Silvio DuranSilvio DuranWPts: 4x0Continental Pro69KGSF2018
15205Pablo MantovaniPablo MantovaniWPts: 4x4, AdvContinental Pro69KGF2018
15491Max CamposWChoke from backGrand Slam LDN69KG4F2018
15493Jan BassoWPts: 9x0Grand Slam LDN69KGSF2018
15494Victor MoraesWChoke from backGrand Slam LDN69KGF2018
15862Osvaldo MoizinhoOsvaldo MoizinhoWPointsACBJJ 1265KGSPF2018
16075Joao NetoJoao NetoWPts: 3x0WP Br Qualifier69KG4F2018
16077Isaque PaivaIsaque PaivaWPts: 6x2WP Br Qualifier69KGSF2018
16132Ali MonfaradiAli MonfaradiWChoke from backWorld Pro69KG4F2018
16134Thomas HalpinThomas HalpinWPts: 6x0World Pro69KGSF2018
16136Gianni GrippoGianni GrippoWPts: 2x2, AdvWorld Pro69KGF2018
16815Alejandro CarreraWChoke from backACBJJ World65KG4F2018
16820Alex SodreAlex SodreWPts: 10x2ACBJJ World65KG3RD2018
16938Matheus GabrielMatheus GabrielWPts: 8x6Spider Inv. 4F76KGSPF2018
17363Amon YunusovWArmbarUWW NG World66KGR12018
17562Rodrigo CardosoWPts: 4x0Grand Slam LA69KG4F2018
17563Vitor MoraesWChoke from backGrand Slam LA69KGSF2018
17858Yijad MoussaWSubmissionMiami FO70KGSF2018
17860Adam BenayounAdam BenayounWPts: 9x4Miami FO70KGF2018
18098Inseong JangInseong JangWReferee DecisionSpyder Inv. Final76KGSF2018
18203Frank RosenthalFrank RosenthalWPts: 10x1Kasai Pro 465KGR12018
18206Geo MartinezGeo MartinezWPts: 2x0Kasai Pro 465KGR22018
18805Abdullah NabasWPts: 11x2Grand Slam AD69KG4F2019
18808Daniel SantanaWChoke from backGrand Slam AD69KGSF2019
18809Tiago BravoTiago BravoWChoke from backGrand Slam AD69KGF2019
18893Cole FransonCole FransonWPts: 10x2European Open70KG4F2019
18897Leo SaggioroLeo SaggioroWReferee DecisionEuropean Open70KGSF2019
19435A. JabłonowskiWChoke from backGrand Slam LDN69KG4F2019
19438Joao NetoJoao NetoWPts: 2x2, AdvGrand Slam LDN69KGSF2019
19439Isaac DoederleinIsaac DoederleinWPts: 4x2Grand Slam LDN69KGF2019
19491Tiago BravoTiago BravoWPts: 10x2King of Mats69KGRR2019
19493Isaac DoederleinIsaac DoederleinWPts: 2x0King of Mats69KGRR2019
19494Bebeto OliveiraWPts: 2x2, AdvKing of Mats69KGRR2019
19497Samir ChantreSamir ChantreWPts: 3x0King of Mats69KGRR2019
19502Isaac DoederleinIsaac DoederleinWReferee DecisionKing of Mats69KGF2019
19575Rene LopezWReferee DecisionPan American64KG4F2019
19883Bruno FrazattoBruno FrazattoWPts: 4x0Orlando SPO70KGSF2019
19884Rick SlombaWPts: 19x2Orlando SPO70KGF2019
20044Murilo AmaralMurilo AmaralWPts: 2x0WP BR Qualifier69KGSF2019
20045Hilton SilvaWPts: 14x0WP BR Qualifier69KGF2019
20092Mehdi AllaouiWPts: 9x0World Pro69KGR12019
20094Jan BassoWPts: 11x0World Pro69KG4F2019
20096Jorge NakamuraWReverse triangleWorld Pro69KGSF2019
20097Isaac DoederleinIsaac DoederleinWPts: 2x2, AdvWorld Pro69KGF2019
20250Iago RangelWArmbarBrasileiro70KGR12019
20253Gabriel WillcoxWChoke from backBrasileiro70KGR22019
20263Thiago MacedoThiago MacedoWAdvBrasileiro70KG4F2019
20590Rodrigo OyieWChoke from backWorld Champ.64KGR22019
20594Pablo MantovaniPablo MantovaniWPts: 7x2World Champ.64KG4F2019
21533Kamil WilkWTriangle armbarGrappleFest 672KGSPF2019
21590Emilio HernandezEmilio HernandezWPts: 2x0No Gi Pan Am.67KGF2019
21883K. IwamotoWPts: 5x0ADCC66KGR12019
21892Nicky RyanNicky RyanWPts: 2x0ADCC66KG4F2019
21920Tye RuotoloTye RuotoloWPts: 4x0ADCC66KG3RD2019
22688Thiago CintraWPts: 11x0NYC Fall Open70KGF2019
26120Joao SoeiroWPts: 4x0NoGi Pan Am.61KG4F2021
26122Richard AlarconRichard AlarconWPts: 5x0NoGi Pan Am.61KGSF2021
26123Bebeto OliveiraWPts: 2x0NoGi Pan Am.61KGF2021
28246Antione GibsonWPts: 22x2NoGi Worlds61KG8F2021
28248Joao SoeiroWPts: 6x0NoGi Worlds61KG4F2021
28253Willis NunesWillis NunesWPts: 0x0, AdvNoGi Worlds61KGSF2021
30584Daniel GrootWChoke from backEuropean Open64KGR12022
30587Ronald AlvesWPts: 6x6, AdvEuropean Open64KG4F2022
30590Huthayfah PenneyWPts: 0x0, AdvEuropean Open64KGSF2022
35886Alexandre VieiraAlexandre VieiraWInside heel hookBJJ Stars70KGSPF2022
53254Samuel ChagnyWPointsCakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53255Damien MigaiWPointsCakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53256Florian BayiliFlorian BayiliD---Cakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53259Florian BayiliFlorian BayiliWPointsCakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53260Brice HounzaD---Cakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53264Florian BayiliFlorian BayiliWPointsCakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53265Brice HounzaWPointsCakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53266Gustavo JovelinoWPointsCakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53270Florian BayiliFlorian BayiliWPointsCakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53271Gustavo JovelinoD---Cakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53274Florian BayiliFlorian BayiliD---Cakoolaflow70KGNA2024
53670Pablo MantovaniPablo MantovaniWReferee DecisionPit Series 8NASPF2024
55463Junior RighettiWReferee DecisionADXC 7NASPF2024

Banner picture taken from

Paulo Miyao vs AJ Agazarm

Paulo Miyao vs Augusto Galdez

Paulo Miyao vs Unknown

Roberto Jimenez BJJ Attacking The Back

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