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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals
BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

IBJJF Sao Paulo Open 2015 No Gi Results

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Craig Jones Instructionals

Less populated than the gi tournament, the No Gi was still highly contested. The big name in the no gi event was Felipe Cesar. The kneebar specialist started the no gi tournament with the wrong foot, getting taken out of the medium heavyweight division by Pedro Henrique Dias (Checkmat), but rebounded in the absolute division, taking the tournament’s most valued trophy, closing the final with Alan Régis.

Thiago “Baiano” Abreu showed why he is one of the most underrated lightweights in the world right now by repeating his gold medal in the SP Open gi tournament the previous day while Jake Mackenzie did the same winning yet another top placement for GF Team.

A positive note for Fábio Caloi, who (being a featherweight) managed to place 3rd in the absolute, showing his potential in the sport. This is Caloi’s first year as a black belt.

Sao Paulo Open No Gi Results

CHAMPION Raul Gomes (Ribeiro Jiu-Jitsu)
2ND Jorge Luiz Nakamura (GF Team)

CHAMPION Hiago George (Cicero Costha)
2ND Maiko Contreira (Ryan Gracie)
3RD Helio Cordeiro (CheckMat)

CHAMPION David Lemes (Calasans JJ)
2ND Thomas Lisboa (Alliance)
3RD Victor de Matos (Zenith)
3RD Edson de Oliveira (B9)

CHAMPION Thiago Abreu (CheckMat)
2ND Fabio Caloi (Alliance)
3RD Marco Aurellio (Akxe)

CHAMPION Jake Mackenzie (GF Team)
2ND Fred de Almeida (Otávio de Almeida)
3RD Thiago Gabriel (Marangoni JJ)
3RD Matias Simonelli (Alliance)

CHAMPION Pedro Henrique Dias (CheckMat)
2ND Joao Chiozzi (B9)
3RD Marcos Oliveira (Cicero Costha)
3RD Anderson Lima (Cicero Costha)

CHAMPION Victor Bomfim (GF Team)
2ND Diogo Almeida (Ryan Gracie)
3RD Marcos Goulart (Game Fight/Manimal)

CHAMPION Rodrigo Martins Ribeiro (G13 BJJ)
2nd Alan Regis (Caio Terra)
3rd Caio Rocha Vieira (Gracie Barra)

CHAMPION Kitner Moura (Ryan Gracie)
2ND Otavio Serafim (B9)
3RD Luiz Felipe Teixeira dos Santos (GF Team)

CHAMPION Felipe Cesar (B9)
2ND Alan Regis (Caio Terra)
3RD Fabio Caloi (Alliance)
3RD Rodrigo Ribeiro (G13)

Cover photo by Marco Aurelio Ferreira

Bernardo Faria BJJ Foundations

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