Johnatha Alves is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt under Guilherme Mendes, who is also a product of the Believe & Achieve grappling scholarship, being the grappling program’s very first athlete to reach the prestigious rank. Alves is widely recognized as one of the top BJJ athletes of his generation, a reputation earned while competing for the Atos Jiu-Jitsu team in the lower belt divisions of the sport, a time when Guilherme Mendes’ Art Of Jiu-Jitsu team was linked with the San Diego based squad.
Johnatha Alves Jiu-Jitsu
Full Name: Johnatha Barbosa Alves
Nickname: N/A
Lineage: Carlos Gracie > Carlson Gracie > André Pederneiras > Ramon Lemos > Guilherme Mendes > Johnatha Alves
Main Achievements:
- 1st Place IBJJF World Championship (2023)
- 1st Place IBJJF Pan Championship (2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023)
- 1st Place EUG 2 Grand Prix (2021)
- 1st Place AJP Grand Slam, MIA (2021)
- 2nd Place AJP Grand Slam, MIA (2020)
Main Achievements:
- 1st Place IBJJF World Championship (2017 blue, 2019 brown)
- 1st Place IBJJF Pans Championship (2017 purple, 2019 brown)
- 1st Place IBJJF World Championship Juvenile (2016** blue)
- 1st Place IBJJF Pans Championship Juvenile (2016** blue)
- 1st Place IBJJF European Open Juvenile (2016** blue)
- 1st Place AJP Grand Slam, LA (2018 brown)
- 1st Place ROYAL Invitational (2017 purple)
- 1st Place Spyder International Challenge (2018)
- 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship (2018 purple)
- 3rd Place IBJJF European Open (2019 brown)
* Absolute
** Weight and absolute
Favorite Position/Technique: Berimbolo
Weight Division: Peso Leve (76,00 kg / 168.0 lbs)
Team/Association: AOJ
Johnatha Alves Biography
Johnatha Alves was born on January 12, 1999, in São Paulo, Brazil, where he first started training at the age of 9. Coach Caio Izidro was Johnatha’s first instructor, tuition later handed to Rodrigo “Sama” and Rogerio “Alemão” who awarded Alves his blue belt.
During his mid-teens, Alves applied for the Believe & Achieve grappling scholarship, a fund developed by the Mendes Brothers, Guilherme, and Rafael, in Costa Mesa, California. This grappling program was designed with the intent of helping the sport’s rising talent by granting them full room and board, the best training assistance available in the sport, as well as tournament registration and travel fee coverage. Alves proved to be the perfect candidate, joining the Mendes team in 2016, as a juvenile blue belt, at their performance center in Costa Mesa, California – Art of Jiu-Jitsu.
As soon as Johnatha joined the Believe & Achieve workgroup at AOJ, he started representing the Atos team on the international circuit, quickly proving why he had been picked for the B&A project by winning double gold medals at the 2016 IBJJF Europeans, Pans and Worlds that year.
Under the Mendes umbrella, Johnatha’s path of success carried across all colored belts, ultimately leading to his black belt promotion in a ceremony that took place on June 01, 2019. We use the term “ceremony” lightly as his belt award was an unusual event in itself: Alves was thrown his black belt by longtime coach Guilherme Mendes from the stands, while still on the mat, celebrating his win at the brown belt final of the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship.
Johnatha Alves Grappling Record
30 (36%) -
4 (5%) -
43 (51%) -
6 (7%) -
0 (0%) - BY DQ
0 (0%)
6 (38%) -
4 (25%) -
3 (19%) -
3 (19%) -
0 (0%) - BY DQ
0 (0%)
Johnatha Alves Fight History
ID | Opponent | W/L | Method | Competition | Weight | Stage | Year |
21699 | Jaime CanutoJaime Canuto | L | Pts: 0x0, Adv | Grand Slam LA | 77KG | SF | 2019 |
22675 | Matheus GabrielMatheus Gabriel | L | Pts: 2x2, Adv | Spyder Invitational | 76KG | SF | 2019 |
23866 | Manuel RibamarManuel Ribamar | L | Referee Decision | F2W 147 | 84KG | SPF | 2020 |
24006 | Ronaldo JuniorRonaldo Junior | L | Pts: 10x8 | Austin Open | ABS | F | 2020 |
24058 | Michael LieraMichael Liera | L | Pts: 1x0 | Grand Slam MIA | 77KG | F | 2020 |
25621 | Matheus GabrielMatheus Gabriel | L | Pts: 4x2 | EUG 1 | 70KG | 4F | 2021 |
26332 | Oliver TazaOliver Taza | L | Referee Decision | WNO 9 | 77KG | SPF | 2021 |
32981 | Tye RuotoloTye Ruotolo | L | Pts: 4x2 | World Champ. | 76KG | 8F | 2022 |
37487 | Joao RochaJoao Rocha | L | Pts: 2x0 | Austin WO | ABS | F | 2023 |
38098 | Rolando SamsonRolando Samson | L | Referee Decision | LA Open | 82KG | F | 2023 |
38130 | Fellipe AndrewFellipe Andrew | L | Botinha | LA Open | ABS | F | 2023 |
38482 | Guilherme AugustoGuilherme Augusto | L | Pts: 2x2, Adv | Pan American | ABS | 4F | 2023 |
40066 | Youngseung ChoYoungseung Cho | L | Pts: 2x0 | Houston Open | 76KG | 4F | 2023 |
45848 | Luiz PauloLuiz Paulo | L | Pts: 0x0, Adv | NoGi World | 79KG | R2 | 2023 |
46025 | Dante LeonDante Leon | L | Triangle | AIGA Finals | 76KG | F | 2023 |
47495 | Jay RodriguezJay Rodriguez | L | RNC | UFC FP6 | 84KG | SPF | 2024 |
21692 | Jeremy JacksonJeremy Jackson | W | Pts: 4x0 | Grand Slam LA | 77KG | R1 | 2019 |
21696 | Saul Viayra | W | Pts: 11x2 | Grand Slam LA | 77KG | 4F | 2019 |
21981 | Kauan BarbozaKauan Barboza | W | Cachecol choke | World Festival | 77KG | SPF | 2019 |
22671 | Jamil Hill-TaylorJamil Hill-Taylor | W | RNC | Spyder Invitational | 76KG | 4F | 2019 |
23241 | Chris Cardona | W | Bow and arrow | Fresno Open | 76KG | SF | 2020 |
23243 | Paulo GabrielPaulo Gabriel | W | Pts: 4x2 | Fresno Open | 76KG | F | 2020 |
23537 | Marcio AndreMarcio Andre | W | Referee Decision | Artista JJ | 76KG | SPF | 2020 |
23981 | Johnny TamaJohnny Tama | W | Referee Decision | F2W 152 | 77KG | SPF | 2020 |
23994 | Alexandre MolinaroAlexandre Molinaro | W | Choke from back | Austin Open | 76KG | F | 2020 |
24002 | Emilio HernandezEmilio Hernandez | W | Choke from back | Austin Open | ABS | 4F | 2020 |
24005 | Pedro RochaPedro Rocha | W | RNC | Austin Open | ABS | SF | 2020 |
24055 | Ricky Semiglia | W | Pts: 8x1 | Grand Slam MIA | 77KG | 4F | 2020 |
24057 | Lucas Valle | W | Pts: 10x3 | Grand Slam MIA | 77KG | SF | 2020 |
24186 | Bruno Valdivino | W | Armbar | Pan American | 76KG | R1 | 2020 |
24194 | Alexandre MolinaroAlexandre Molinaro | W | Choke from back | Pan American | 76KG | 8F | 2020 |
24196 | Rodrigo FreitasRodrigo Freitas | W | Pts: 3x0 | Pan American | 76KG | 4F | 2020 |
24199 | Jonnatas GracieJonnatas Gracie | W | Referee Decision | Pan American | 76KG | SF | 2020 |
24200 | Michael LieraMichael Liera | W | Pts: 4x2 | Pan American | 76KG | F | 2020 |
25228 | Kevin MahechaKevin Mahecha | W | Choke from back | Dallas Open | 76KG | SF | 2021 |
25230 | Johnny TamaJohnny Tama | W | Pts: 2x0 | Dallas Open | 76KG | F | 2021 |
25243 | Jackson DouglasJackson Douglas | W | Referee Decision | Dallas Open | ABS | 4F | 2021 |
25246 | Michael LieraMichael Liera | W | Pts: 8x6 | Dallas Open | ABS | SF | 2021 |
25445 | Luan AndreiLuan Andrei | W | Choke from back | Orlando Open | 76KG | 4F | 2021 |
25447 | Thiago AbudThiago Abud | W | Choke from back | Orlando Open | 76KG | SF | 2021 |
25449 | Michael LieraMichael Liera | W | Pts: 4x2 | Orlando Open | 76KG | F | 2021 |
25773 | Josh Murdock | W | Armbar | Charleston Open | 76KG | SF | 2021 |
25774 | Frederico Alves | W | Armbar | Charleston Open | 76KG | F | 2021 |
25830 | Guilherme Cleovan | W | Injury | Houston Open | 76KG | 4F | 2021 |
25832 | Luan AndreiLuan Andrei | W | Choke from back | Houston Open | 76KG | SF | 2021 |
25833 | Matheus Galvao | W | Choke from back | Houston Open | 76KG | F | 2021 |
25855 | Luan AndreiLuan Andrei | W | Choke from back | Houston Open | ABS | 4F | 2021 |
25856 | Joao CizeskiJoao Cizeski | W | Choke from back | Houston Open | ABS | SF | 2021 |
25986 | Gabriel SousaGabriel Sousa | W | Katagatame | Artista JJ | N/A | SPF | 2021 |
26300 | Johnny TamaJohnny Tama | W | Adv | Miami Open | 76KG | SF | 2021 |
26302 | Kevin MahechaKevin Mahecha | W | Botinha | Miami Open | 76KG | F | 2021 |
26631 | Michael LieraMichael Liera | W | Pts: 2x2 | EUG 2 | 77KG | 4F | 2021 |
26635 | Jonnatas GracieJonnatas Gracie | W | Pts: 2x2 | EUG 2 | 77KG | SF | 2021 |
26637 | Mica GalvaoMica Galvao | W | Pts: 2x0 | EUG 2 | 77KG | F | 2021 |
27279 | Luan AndreiLuan Andrei | W | Triangle | Grand Slam MIA | 77KG | 4F | 2021 |
27282 | Gialysson FreitasGialysson Freitas | W | Armbar | Grand Slam MIA | 77KG | SF | 2021 |
27607 | Andy MurasakiAndy Murasaki | W | Pts: 4x2 | Pan American | 76KG | 8F | 2021 |
27612 | Igor FelizIgor Feliz | W | Choke from back | Pan American | 76KG | 4F | 2021 |
27614 | Rodrigo FreitasRodrigo Freitas | W | Armbar | Pan American | 76KG | SF | 2021 |
27615 | Lucas ValenteLucas Valente | W | Pts: 2x0 | Pan American | 76KG | F | 2021 |
28709 | Samuel Wells | W | Armbar | Nashville Open | 76KG | SF | 2021 |
28710 | Pablo LavaselliPablo Lavaselli | W | Pts: 7x2 | Nashville Open | 76KG | F | 2021 |
29060 | Joao Matos | W | Armbar | JJ CON | 76KG | R1 | 2021 |
29064 | Luan AndreiLuan Andrei | W | Armbar | JJ CON | 76KG | 4F | 2021 |
29068 | Arthur DetanicoArthur Detanico | W | Choke from back | JJ CON | 76KG | SF | 2021 |
29070 | Pablo LavaselliPablo Lavaselli | W | Pts: 2x0 | JJ CON | 76KG | F | 2021 |
29540 | Guilherme RochaGuilherme Rocha | W | Pts: 2x0 | World Champ. | 76KG | 8F | 2021 |
30985 | Andy MurasakiAndy Murasaki | W | Pts: 8x8, Adv | LA Open | 76KG | F | 2022 |
31705 | Daniel DinizDaniel Diniz | W | Toe hold | Pan American | 76KG | 4F | 2022 |
31708 | Natan ChuengNatan Chueng | W | Choke from back | Pan American | 76KG | SF | 2022 |
31710 | Andy MurasakiAndy Murasaki | W | Pts: 2x0 | Pan American | 76KG | F | 2022 |
32502 | Gabriel Silva | W | Violin armlock | SD Open | 76KG | SF | 2022 |
34686 | Vinicius Reis | W | Bow and arrow | Grand Slam MIA | 77KG | 4F | 2022 |
34689 | Levi JonesLevi Jones | W | Pts: 2x0 | Grand Slam MIA | 77KG | SF | 2022 |
34690 | Lucas Brito | W | Pts: 4x0 | Grand Slam MIA | 77KG | F | 2022 |
35987 | Mathias LunaMathias Luna | W | Referee Decision | IBJJF GP | 82KG | SPF | 2022 |
37467 | Ari Pollan | W | Submission | Austin WO | 76KG | 4F | 2023 |
37470 | Mooelehe Cuellar | W | Guillotine | Austin WO | 76KG | SF | 2023 |
37483 | Carlos Neto | W | Pts: 6x4 | Austin WO | ABS | 4F | 2023 |
37485 | Marlon Tanaka | W | RNC | Austin WO | ABS | SF | 2023 |
38005 | Elijah DorseyElijah Dorsey | W | Pts: 15x0 | IBJJF GP | 76KG | SF | 2023 |
38007 | Andy MurasakiAndy Murasaki | W | Referee Decision | IBJJF GP | 76KG | F | 2023 |
38096 | Johnny TamaJohnny Tama | W | Pts: 6x0 | LA Open | 82KG | SF | 2023 |
38127 | Caio ViniciusCaio Vinicius | W | Pts: 2x0 | LA Open | ABS | 4F | 2023 |
38128 | Elder CruzElder Cruz | W | Pts: 22x0 | LA Open | ABS | SF | 2023 |
38473 | Paulo Merlin | W | Cachecol choke | Pan American | ABS | 8F | 2023 |
38556 | Ademir BarretoAdemir Barreto | W | Hashimoto choke | Pan American | 76KG | 8F | 2023 |
38564 | Kevin MahechaKevin Mahecha | W | Pts: 0x0, Adv | Pan American | 76KG | 4F | 2023 |
38566 | Natan ChuengNatan Chueng | W | Armbar | Pan American | 76KG | SF | 2023 |
38567 | Pablo LavaselliPablo Lavaselli | W | Pts: 8x0 | Pan American | 76KG | F | 2023 |
40475 | Joao Machado | W | Cachecol choke | World Champ. | 76KG | 8F | 2023 |
40480 | Leo SaggioroLeo Saggioro | W | Pts: 2x0 | World Champ. | 76KG | 4F | 2023 |
40482 | Jackson NagaiJackson Nagai | W | Pts: 0x0, Adv | World Champ. | 76KG | SF | 2023 |
40483 | Pedro MaiaPedro Maia | W | Pts: 4x2 | World Champ. | 76KG | F | 2023 |
44148 | Chris Gores | W | Choke from back | OC Open | 82KG | SF | 2023 |
44149 | Rafael SilveiraRafael Silveira | W | Choke from back | OC Open | 82KG | F | 2023 |
45837 | Oliver TazaOliver Taza | W | Pts: 6x2 | NoGi World | 79KG | R1 | 2023 |
46018 | Rizvan Rizvanov | W | Kneebar | AIGA Finals | 76KG | SF | 2023 |
49076 | Zachary Wolivar | W | Canto choke | OC Open | 82KG | SF | 2024 |
49078 | Alef BritoAlef Brito | W | Choke from back | OC Open | 82KG | F | 2024 |