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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

Donate a Gi (Projeto do Cantagalo)

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John Danaher Instructionals

Hillary Duff

Hillary Williams

Guys, I just found out about this enlightened challenge issued by BJJ fighter Hillary Williams after reading an article on Inside BJJ. Please read carefully and donate to this amazing cause. You will see it won’t hurt a thing and you will be doing a great service to someone. I (hopefully) will be donating my smaller gi first hand in November.
Source of original post: Sherdog Grappling Forum

I challenge you to be selfless

On every Jiu Jitsu forum I’ve been on, once every other month (or so) a thread pops up with “how many gis do you have?” People (myself, unfortunately, included) boast about having 8, 10, and 12 gis. Twelve gis? Really? I train hours and hours a week, but let’s be honest. I probably don’t need more than four gis, much less 12.

One of the greatest experiences I had on my last Brazil trip was the seminar I taught at the projeto social (community service) gym. We didn’t have great mats to roll on, some of the students didn’t have gis, and we weren’t even indoors–but it was probably my favorite seminar I’ve taught so far. The students were so enthralled that I came out there just to teach them, and I’ve never felt like Jiu Jitsu was appreciated as much as it was with those students. For the few hours we were on the mats, no one cared about time, money, problems at home, or anything else. We just did Jiu Jitsu until it was too dark to see.

I was talking to Finfou (Alan do Nascimento) about his projeto in Brazil, in the Cantagalo slum. I met a few students back and forth through Checkmat in Copacabana, but the majority stay in Cantagalo. He told me the students are so dedicated, so hungry to learn, but so many don’t train because they don’t even have gis.

That’s where you come in. I’m not asking you to buy a new gi and ship it out, I’m not asking you to donate your Shoyoroll #7, I’m just asking you to reach out. We all have a “starter gi,” and you know what I’m talking about. That gi you used as a white belt and developed a different fashion taste, that gi that shrunk too much in the dryer or the gi that just didn’t fit you right, the gi your son grew out of when he turned eight. If you can’t donate a gi (understandable), PLEASE talk to your gym, the parents of the kid’s programs, or someone you know who might. To you, it means so little. To someone in the projeto, it could mean so much.

I need adult and kid gis, hand-me-downs in good condition are absolutely great. My goal is 30-50 gis, and I plan to take them to Brazil with me the next time I go down. If the deal breaker is having to pay the shipping to my house, well, I’ll pay! As well, I hope by now I’ve earned a reputation of not being someone who would turn around and sell your gis.

I realize this is just one of many projetos, and I realize the task is too grand to be able to get a gi to everyone who is needing them. I hope to help as many as I can and encourage others to do so. Every single person makes a difference. Every single gi will make the life of someone better.

We write daily about how much Jiu Jitsu has given to us, shouldn’t we try to give back?

Send your Kimono to:
Westside MMA RE: Projeto Cantagalo
1021 Jessie Road, Suite N
Little Rock, AR 72202

Bernardo Faria BJJ Foundations


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