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BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

UAEJJF King of Mats Results, Big Upsets!

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Gordon Ryan Guard Passing Instructional

APRIL 24, 2018 Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates held the King of Mats, a jiu jitsu tournament designed to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the UAEJJF’s Abu Dhabi World Pro Championship.

To honor this event the UAEJJF invited some of the biggest names the tournament brought forward in its 10 year long existence, who battled against some of the new blood in the in the black belt division. Among the “old school” competitors were names such as Roberto Cyborg, André Galvão, Celso Vinicius, Tarsis Humphreys and many more.

Below are the results for the UAEJJF King of Mats tournament:

Lightweight Champion: Leonardo Saggioro
Middleweight Champion: Charles Negromonte
Heavyweight Champion: Alexander Tráns

WinnerLooserWinner PointsLooser PointsOther MethodDivisionRDS
Celso ViniciusGianni Grippo00adv.69KGGroup Stage
Samuel CanquerinoJose Lima22adv.69KGGroup Stage
Tiago MarquesTiago Bravo4269KGGroup Stage
Isaque PaivaHiago George4069KGGroup Stage
Celso ViniciusWanki Chae00adv.69KGGroup Stage
Leo SaggioroSamuel Canquerino8069KGGroup Stage
Gianni GrippoTiago Bravo2069KGGroup Stage
Isaque PaivaJose LimaSubmission69KGGroup Stage
Leo SaggioroHiago George00Ref. Dec.69KGGroup Stage
Isaque PaivaSamuel Canquerino22adv.69KGGroup Stage
Celso ViniciusTiago Bravo0069KGGroup Stage
Gianni GrippoTiago Marques00adv.69KGGroup Stage
Hiago GeorgeJose Lima4269KGGroup Stage
Leo SaggioroJose Lima00adv.69KGGroup Stage
Samuel CanquerinoHiago GeorgeKneebar69KGGroup Stage
Tiago MarquesCelso Vinicius22Ref. Dec.69KGGroup Stage
Gianni GrippoWanki Chae13269KGGroup Stage
Tiago MarquesWanki Chae2069KGGroup Stage
Leo SaggioroTiago Marques00adv.69KGSemi Final
Gianni GrippoIsaque Paiva8669KGSemi Final
Isaque Paiva69KG3RD
Leo SaggioroGianni Grippo00Ref. Dec.69KGFinal
Clark GracieTarsis Humphreys00adv.85KGGroup Stage
Andre GalvaoJaime Canuto00adv.85KGGroup Stage
Andre GalvaoC. Negromonte85KGGroup Stage
C. NegromonteAndre Galvao00adv.85KGGroup Stage
Roberto SatoshiTarsis HumphreysTriangle85KGGroup Stage
Renato CanutoClark GracieArmbar85KGGroup Stage
Jaime CanutoC. Negromonte2085KGGroup Stage
Jaime CanutoRoberto Satoshi6085KGSemi Final
C. NegromonteRenato Canuto00Ref. Dec.85KGSemi Final
C. NegromonteJaime Canuto00adv.85KGFinal
Roberto AbreuAndre Campos110KGGroup Stage
Alexander TransTanner Rice20110KGGroup Stage
Roberto AbreuAndre Campos00Ref. Dec.110KGGroup Stage
Tanner RiceHelton Jose00adv.110KGGroup Stage
Roberto AbreuLucio Rodrigues00adv.110KGGroup Stage
Alexandre SouzaAndre Campos20110KGGroup Stage
Alexander TransHelton Jose00adv.110KGGroup Stage
Roberto AbreuAlexandre SouzaLeglock110KGGroup Stage
Alexander TransAlexandre SouzaInjury110KGSemi Final
Roberto CyborgTanner Rice00Ref. Dec.110KGSemi Final
Tanner RiceAlexandre Souza00Ref. Dec.110KG3RD
Alexander TransRoberto AbreuChoke from back110KGFinal
5050 Guard Instructional by Lachlan Giles

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