Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team History, Fighter Stats, Biographies and News

BJJ Fanatics Instructionals
BJJ Fanatics Instructionals

DJ Jackson

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John Danaher Instructionals

DJ Jackson is one of Team Lloyd Irvin’s most accomplished competitors and an important figure in Brazilian jiu jitsu‘s middleweight division (82,30 kg / 181.5 lbs), having won the IBJJF World Championship in every belt division leading to black belt, a promotion he achieved on July 2012. Originally a wrestler, DJ Jackson became part of Lloyd Irvin‘s jiu-jitsu team on his off-season, and picked up a series of wins from the start, relegating wrestling to the background to focus on BJJ competition.

DJ Jackson Jiu-Jitsu

Full Name: De’Alonzio Jerome Jackson

Nickname: “DJ” which is short for De’Alonzio Jerome, he is also called “Ram-Man” most likely due to his powerful double leg takedown, “Kimura-Kid” for the same prowess with that technique and “Human Honey Badger” for his tenacity on the mats.

Lineage: Carlos Gracie > Helio Gracie > Rickson Gracie > Jorge Pereira > Leonardo DallaLloyd Irvin > DJ Jackson

Main Achievements:

  • 1st Place IBJJF World Championship No-Gi (2015/2012)
  • 1st Place Copa Pódio MW Grand Prix (2017)
  • 1st Place UAEJJF Grand Slam, Tokyo (2018)
  • 1st Place Grappling Pro WW Championship (2016)
  • 2nd Place Rickson Gracie Cup (2012)

Main Achievements (Colored Belts):

  • 1st Place IBJJF World Championship No-Gi (2010 purple / 2011 brown / 2009 blue)
  • 1st Place IBJJF World Championship (2012 brown / 2011 purple / 2010 blue)
  • 1st Place Gracie World Championship (2012** brown)
  • 2nd Place IBJJF Pan American Championship (2011 purple)
  • 3rd Place IBJJF Pan American Championship (2010 blue)

* Absolute
** Weight and absolute

Favorite Technique/Position: Double Leg Takedown, Half-Guard from Top.

Weight Division: Peso Médio (82,30 kg / 181.5 lbs)

Team/Association: Team Lloyd Irvin

DJ Jackson Biography

DJ Jackson was born on October 31, 1988, in District Heights, Maryland – USA. He started wrestling for the DeMartha Catholic High School, MD during his freshman year, joining Lloyd Irvin’s wrestling program (led by Jim Kelly) a couple of years into his wrestling practice (2008). A decision was made during his off-season as a way to stay in shape.

When training with Team Lloyd Irvin (TLI), DJ tried jiu-jitsu classes to keep things interesting and to add something new to his grappling game. Jackson’s talent caught Irvin’s attention at one of these classes; the head coach immediately asked DJ to help some of the more advanced students train for a no-gi tournament that was coming up, where DJ’s wrestling ability could be of great help. DJ Jackson started getting more involved in jiu-jitsu through this initial contact with TLI’s “Medal Chasers” program.

With a natural grinding style, very suited for his body frame, DJ started terrorizing local and international competitions, first in no-gi and shortly after in the gi also. DJ’s progression through this martial art’s ranking happened much faster than the sport’s average, greatly thanks to Jackson’s continuous victories in the competitive scene. These wins ultimately led to his black belt promotion, taking a total of 4 years time (2012) from white to black belt.

On his way to the black belt rank, DJ also fought in mixed martial arts (MMA), a subject that always interested the “Ram-Man”. Jackson has trained with many well-regarded cage fighters, including Phil Davis, Mike Easton, Michael Chandler, Dominic Cruz and many others.

DJ Jackson Grappling Record

    41 (45%)
    15 (16%)
    24 (26%)
    9 (10%)
    1 (1%)
    1 (1%)


Brabo choke
Arm in guillotine
Inside heel hook
    12 (31%)
    8 (21%)
    1 (3%)
    11 (28%)
    6 (15%)
    1 (3%)



DJ Jackson Fight History

ID Opponent W/L Method Competition Weight Stage Year
3715Lucas LeiteLucas LeiteLReferee DecisionNYC World Trials83KGF2012
4276Leandro LoLeandro LoLPts: 0x0, AdvNoGi WorldsABS4F2012
4449Claudio CalasansClaudio CalasansLPts: 0x0, PenEuropean Open82KG4F2013
4527Bernardo FariaBernardo FariaLPts: 12x0Pan AmericanABS4F2013
4597Clark GracieClark GracieLReferee DecisionPan American82KGSF2013
4664Claudio CalasansClaudio CalasansLPts: 0x0, AdvWorld Pro82KGR12013
4755Leonardo LeiteLeonardo LeiteLPointsWorld Champ.ABSRDS2013
4850Tio ChicoD---Copa Podio76KGGP2013
4862Vinicius MarinhoVinicius MarinhoLAdvCopa Podio76KGGP2013
4870Leandro LoLeandro LoLPts: 6x2Copa Podio76KGSF2013
4871Vinicius MarinhoVinicius MarinhoLPenCopa Podio76KG3PLC2013
4991AJ AgazarmAJ AgazarmLReferee DecisionADCC77KGR12013
5107Vitor OliveiraVitor OliveiraLPointsNoGi Worlds79KGSF2013
5316Andre GalvaoAndre GalvaoLPointsPan AmericanABSR32014
5379Diego HertzogLPts: 2x2, AdvPan American88KGR12014
5780Rodrigo FreitasRodrigo FreitasLPenWorld Champ.76KGR12014
8503Felipe PenaFelipe PenaLRNCNoGi WorldsABSSF2015
9680Rustam ChsievLEBI/OTEBI 6ABS4F2016
12546John SalterJohn SalterLPenADCC WC Trials88KGF2017
12945Roberto AbreuRoberto AbreuLPts: 25x0Miami SPOABSF2017
13424Marcos TinocoMarcos TinocoLReferee DecisionNY Summer OpenABSSF2017
13710Greg WalkerLPts: 0x0, AdvWashington Open82KGF2017
13901Vagner RochaVagner RochaLReferee DecisionADCC77KG4F2017
16105Tanner RiceTanner RiceLPts: 0x0, PenWP US Qualifier94KGRR2018
16106Tanner RiceTanner RiceLAdvWP US Qualifier94KGRR2018
16559Murilo SantanaMurilo SantanaLPts: 0x0, PenWorld Champ.88KGR12018
18012Gilbert BurnsGilbert BurnsLPointsBlack Belt CBD83KGF2018
18101V. HugoLPts: 16x0Spyder Inv. FinalO76KGSF2018
18829Manuel RibamarManuel RibamarLPts: 6x0Grand Slam AD85KG4F2019
18866Manuel RibamarManuel RibamarLPts: 9x0King of Mats II85KGRR2019
18867Isaque BahienseIsaque BahienseLReferee DecisionKing of Mats II85KGRR2019
19335Isaque BahienseIsaque BahienseLReferee DecisionBJJ Stars88KGSPF2019
19476Manuel RibamarManuel RibamarLReferee DecisionF2W 10485KGSPF2019
19785Murilo SantanaMurilo SantanaLReferee DecisionF2W 10885KGSPF2019
19910Felipe CesarFelipe CesarLPts: 15x0Washington DCO82KGSF2019
20131Faisal AlKitbeFaisal AlKitbeLPts: 0x0, AdvWorld Pro85KGSF2019
20656Claudio CalasansClaudio CalasansLPts: 0x0, AdvWorld Champ.82KGR22019
20868K. SteeleLReferee DecisionThird Coast88KGSPF2019
21272Edwin NajmiEdwin NajmiLReferee DecisionF2W 12082KGSPF2019
21879JT TorresJT TorresLPts: 3x0ADCC77KG4F2019
3714Rafael BarbosaRafael BarbosaWPointsNYC World Trials83KGSF2012
4231UnknownWWristlockNoGi Worlds82KGR12012
4234Jason ManlyWPts: 11x0NoGi Worlds82KG4F2012
4238Vitor OliveiraVitor OliveiraWPts: 0x0, AdvNoGi Worlds82KGSF2012
4240Clark GracieClark GracieWPts: 5x0NoGi Worlds82KGF2012
4265James PuopoloJames PuopoloWPts: 0x0, AdvNoGi WorldsABSR12012
4272Roberto AlencarRoberto AlencarWPts: 4x0NoGi WorldsABS8F2012
4492Rodrigo BrevesWPointsNYC World Trials83KGN/A2013
4508Felipe MatosWAdvPan AmericanABSR12013
4521Gabriel VellaGabriel VellaWPts: 2x0Pan AmericanABSR22013
4588Gabriel RolloGabriel RolloWAdvPan American82KGR22013
4595Rafael BarbosaRafael BarbosaWWristlockPan American82KG4F2013
4745Magid HageWPts: 2x0World Champ.ABSRDS2013
4857Oliver GeddesOliver GeddesWWristlockCopa Podio76KGGP2013
4865Rodrigo MagalhaesWPts: 2x0Copa Podio76KGGP2013
5194Abmar BarbosaAbmar BarbosaWPts: 3x0Boston W. Open82KGSF2013
5195Gregor GracieGregor GracieWPts: 2x0Boston W. Open82KGF2013
5197Abmar BarbosaAbmar BarbosaWPointsBoston W. OpenABSSF2013
5198Rafael BarbosaRafael BarbosaWPts: 6x0Boston W. OpenABSF2013
5224Garry TononGarry TononWPointsADCC NationalsABSSPF2014
5297UnknownWSubmissionPan AmericanABSR22014
5776UnknownWWristlockWorld Champ.76KGR12014
8430Manuel RibamarManuel RibamarWPts: 2x0NoGi Worlds79KG8F2015
8433Vinicius AgudoWPts: 5x0NoGi Worlds79KG4F2015
8435Otavio SousaOtavio SousaWReferee DecisionNoGi Worlds79KGSF2015
8437Jonathan SatavaJonathan SatavaWPts: 3x0NoGi Worlds79KGF2015
8489Eliot KellyEliot KellyWReferee DecisionNoGi WorldsABSR12015
8495Guybson SaGuybson SaWPts: 6x0NoGi WorldsABS8F2015
8499Caio TerraCaio TerraWPts: 0x0, AdvNoGi WorldsABS4F2015
9675Bruno BastosBruno BastosWArm in guillotineEBI 6ABSR12016
10541Corey BrownWPts: 24x0Grappling Pro77KG4F2016
10544Garry TononGarry TononWPts: 7x2Grappling Pro77KGSF2016
10545Lucas BarbosaLucas BarbosaWPts: 6x3Grappling Pro77KGF2016
11125John CombsJohn CombsWGuillotineF2W 1882KGSPF2016
12266Vinicius AgudoWBrabo chokeF2W 2982KGSPF2017
12530Cora TalamoniWAmericanaADCC WC Trials88KGR12017
12537Ty FreemanWReferee DecisionADCC WC Trials88KG8F2017
12541Kevin CraneWPts: 4x0ADCC WC Trials88KG4F2017
12545Antonio ZuazoWPts: 5x0ADCC WC Trials88KGSF2017
12938Jose PortilloWN/AMiami SPO88KGSF2017
12939Jurandir ConceicaoJurandir ConceicaoWPts: 3x0Miami SPO88KGF2017
12941Josh LittletonWBrabo chokeMiami SPOABS4F2017
12943Valdir AraujoValdir AraujoWPointsMiami SPOABSSF2017
13248Vagner RochaVagner RochaWPts: 25x8Grappling Pro77KGSPF2017
13417Nick CalvaneseNick CalvaneseWPts: 0x0, AdvNY Summer Open88KGSF2017
13418Jonathan SatavaJonathan SatavaWN/ANY Summer Open88KGF2017
13422Enrique GalarzaWN/ANY Summer OpenABS4F2017
13434Tex JohnsonTex JohnsonWPointsNY S. No-Gi OpenABSSF2017
13548James BrascoJames BrascoWInside heel hookF2W 4288KGSPF2017
13602Tommy LangakerTommy LangakerWPointsCopa Podio88KGRR2017
13604Kywan GracieWPts: 0x0, AdvCopa Podio88KGRR2017
13606F. AndrewWPts: 0x0, AdvCopa Podio88KGRR2017
13608Hugo MarquesHugo MarquesWPts: 4x2Copa Podio88KGRR2017
13611Gustavo BraguinhaWAdvCopa Podio88KGSF2017
13613F. AndrewWAdvCopa Podio88KGF2017
13894Leo SaggioroLeo SaggioroWReferee DecisionADCC77KGE12017
14186Donghyun KimWPts: 2x0Spyder InvitationalABSSPF2017
14272Gilbert BurnsGilbert BurnsWReferee DecisionF2W 5382KGSPF2017
15226Alberto GonzalezWSubmissionSpain Nat. Pro94KGSF2018
15228Adam WardzinskiAdam WardzinskiWPts: 0x0, AdvSpain Nat. Pro94KGF2018
15954Nick CalvaneseNick CalvaneseWReferee DecisionF2W 7184KGSPF2018
16104Tanner RiceTanner RiceWPts: 0x0, AdvWP US Qualifier94KGRR2018
16746Sami BakiWKimuraBoa Super 8ABS4F2018
16749Stuart CooperWPts: 3x0Boa Super 8ABSSF2018
16751Craig JonesCraig JonesWPts: 0x0, PenBoa Super 8ABSF2018
16933Craig JonesCraig JonesWReferee DecisionSpider Inv. 4FO76KGSPF2018
17015Takagi ShotaWBrabo chokeGrand Slam TYO85KG4F2018
17019Alan FidelisWArmbarGrand Slam TYO85KGSF2018
17021Bradley HillWPts: 5x0Grand Slam TYO85KGF2018
17621Jamie FletcherWGuillotineSubversivABSSF2018
17626Richie MartinezRichie MartinezWKimuraSubversivABSF2018
18010Rafael DomingosWPointsBlack Belt CBD83KGSF2018
18863Roberto SatoshiRoberto SatoshiWWristlockKing of Mats II85KGRR2019
18864Diego RamalhoDiego RamalhoWPts: 0x0, AdvKing of Mats II85KGRR2019
19148Marc AkakpoviWSubmissionNetherlands Pro85KGSF2019
19149Arthur PucciWSubmissionNetherlands Pro85KGF2019
19908Scott JutrasWKimuraWashington DCO82KG4F2019
19919Brian BeauryBrian BeauryWInjuryWashington DCOABS4F2019
19921Diogo SampaioDiogo SampaioWPts: 0x0, AdvWashington DCOABSSF2019
19922Vinicius TratorVinicius TratorWPts: 0x0, AdvWashington DCOABSF2019
20031Arnaldo MaidanaArnaldo MaidanaWReferee DecisionF2W 10985KGSPF2019
20130Viking WongWPts: 3x0World Pro85KG4F2019
20136Philippe PomaskiPhilippe PomaskiWPts: 2x0World Pro85KGRPC2019
20138Devhonte JohnsonDevhonte JohnsonWReferee DecisionWorld Pro85KG3RD2019
20489Alexandre PimentelWPointsMiami SPO82KGSF2019
20491Brian BeauryBrian BeauryWPointsMiami SPO82KGF2019
20521Enrique GalarzaWSubmissionHigh RollerzABS4F2019
20522Evani ChavezWSubmissionHigh RollerzABSSF2019
20523Michael EgleyWSubmissionHigh RollerzABSF2019
20654Nathan MendelsohnNathan MendelsohnWPointsWorld Champ.82KGR12019
21016Ruben RiveraWEBI/OTSubversiv 275KGSPF2019
21871John CombsJohn CombsWPts: 5x0ADCC77KGR12019

DJ Jackson Team Lloyd Irvin black belt promotion

DJ Jackson vs Benny Dariush

DJ Jackson vs Fabian Rosario

DJ Jackson vs Raphael Rosendo

John Danaher BJJ Escapes


  • BJJ Fan says:

    This kid is incredible. I had the chance to watch him at the Pan Ams in 2011 as a purple, and I knew he was a beast then. But for him to be doing the things he is doing at black in such a short time is pretty awesome. He is beating guys who have had their black belts longer than he has been training. And the black belts he has beaten aren't chumps either. In his last video on this page he beat Rafael. I've had the privilege of watching a few of Rafael's matches, and have competed against some of his student's. There are no slouches there. And at the Atlanta Open he defeated Lucas Lepri in the open class. Lepri is a World Champion. He has had to put in a lot of work for those kind of results. The guy's sick.

  • bjjer says:

    you should posy his video with luke lepri

    • Jan Merca says:

      your such a hater..that's old news and irrelevant to what this site is about. This site is about outstanding athletes in BJJ and there accomplishments, not personal baggage. DJ is still a good teacher and beast on the mat.

      • Erik says:

        This article should be taken down. We should not be celebrating the achievements of a rapist.

      • Long says:

        Sex offences aren't "old news". He's a sex offender but he's still a good teacher and beast on the mat so that makes it ok. That's not personal baggage that's a crime. What a silly thing to say. I agree he shouldn't be lauded for his achievements or even acknowledged…

  • Zeberio says:

    Oh my god that man is one fucking ugly big head!?!? But the body is made for this sport. Short arms and legs. Works very well but looks so freaking ugly!

  • Dustin says:

    Can we get this guy removed from the list? A person who is charged with sexually assaulting a minor shouldn’t be anyone’s hero bjj or otherwise.

  • Eric says:

    Charged, plead down, convicted. I grew up in Orange City and I know the owners of the Double D. DJ is NOT a hero.

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