Thamara Ferreira Silva is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt under Cicero Costha and a representative of the Guigo JJ academy, formerly with Projeto Social Lutando Pelo Bem (PSLPB) Team, who worked extensively with Marco Barbosa in the earlier stages of her grappling career. Thamara first gained notoriety in the sport while competing in the lower belt divisions of the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF) and United Arab Emirates Jiu-Jitsu Federation (UAEJJF), conquering world titles on both circuits.
Thamara Ferreira Jiu-Jitsu
Full Name: Thamara Ferreira Silva
Nickname: N / A
Lineage: Carlos Gracie > Helio Gracie > Rickson Gracie > Marcelo Behring > Waldomiro Perez > Roberto Godoi > Marco Barbosa > Cicero Costha > Thamara Ferreira
Main Achievements:
- 1st Place IBJJF World Championship (2024)
- 1st Place IBJJF Pan Championship (2022)
- 1st Place CBJJ Brazilian Nationals (2024)
- 1st Place IBJJF European Open (2020)
- 1st Place IBJJF American Nationals (2023)
- 1st Place AJP Grand Slam, AD (2020)
- 1st Place AJP Grand Slam, LA (2019)
- 1st Place AJP Grand Slam, RJ (2019)
- 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship (2021)
- 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship NoGi (2023)
- 2nd Place IBJJF American Nationals (2023*)
- 2nd Place IBJJF American Nationals NOGI (2023*)
- 3rd Place AJP Queen Of Mats HW GP (2020)
- 3rd Place IBJJF World Championship NoGi (2019)
Main Achievements (Colored Belts):
- 1st Place IBJJF World Championship (2019 brown)
- 1st Place IBJJF World Championship NoGi (2018 brown)
- 1st Place IBJJF South American Championship (2015** blue)
- 1st Place IBJJF European Open (2018 / 2019 brown)
- 1st Place CBJJ Brazilian Nationals (2018** / 2019 brown)
- 1st Place CBJJ Brazilian Nationals NoGi (2015** blue)
- 1st Place IBJJF Rio de Janeiro BJJ Pro (2018 brown)
- 1st Place AJP Abu Dhabi World Pro (2019 brown)
- 1st Place AJP Grand Slam, LDN (2017 purple, 2019 brown)
- 1st Place AJP Grand Slam, ABD (2019 brown)
- 1st Place AJP Grand Slam, RJN (2015 blue, 2018 brown)
- 2nd Place IBJJF World Championship (2017 purple)
- 2nd Place CBJJ Pans Championship (2019 brown)
- 2nd Place AJP Grand Slam, ABD (2018 brown)
- 2nd Place AJP Grand Slam, RJN (2017 brown)
* Absolute
** Weight and absolute
Favorite Position/Technique: Spider / Lasso Guard
Weight Division: Peso Médio (69,00 kg / 152.5 lbs)
Team/Association: PSLPB Cícero Costha
Thamara Ferreira Biography
Thamara Ferreira was born on November 26, 1995, in Suzano, a municipality in São Paulo state, Brazil, growing up in the neighboring Itaquaquecetuba city.
During her childhood and pre-teens, Thamara already led the life of an athlete under the guidance of Rodrigo Miranda, playing artistic gymnastics on a national and international level while reaching the Brazilian National campus in Guarulhos (SP) for a few months, before breaking from gymnastics at the age of 12. She returned to competitive sports during her teenage years, this time through football (soccer), playing for her regional team for 2 years before she quit to join a pre-college program and work on her law degree.
It was during this period, at the age of 16, that Ferreira decided to try jiu-jitsu. She was not training any sport at the time and being connected with sports since a very young age, Thamara felt the urge to connect with an activity. Finding that her college offered free BJJ classes, she decided to join, even though she had no idea of what jiu-jitsu was.
The coach at Ferreira’s campus was none other than the world-renowned black belt, Marco Barbosa, who remained as Thamara’s instructor up until her blue belt. Interestingly, Ferreira did not enjoy jiu-jitsu at first, and it was only the tournament aspect of grappling that kept Thamara in this sport, as it played well with her highly competitive nature.
By the time Thamara was promoted to blue belt, Ferreira became truly embedded in grappling culture, then deciding to quit her college degree to focus solely on her jiu-jitsu career. It was also at this point that Thamara joined the Cicero Costha team, a workgroup with which she remained all the way up to black belt, a rank she received in June 2019.
Thamara Ferreira Grappling Record
16 (32%) -
2 (4%) -
29 (58%) -
2 (4%) -
1 (2%) - BY DQ
0 (0%)
9 (47%) -
4 (21%) -
5 (26%) -
1 (5%) -
0 (0%) - BY DQ
0 (0%)
Thamara Ferreira Fight History
ID | Opponent | W/L | Method | Competition | Weight | Stage | Year |
22932 | Vedha Toscano | L | Pts: 2x0 | NoGi Worlds | 69KG | 4F | 2019 |
23049 | Gabrieli PessanhaGabrieli Pessanha | L | RNC | Queen Of Mats | 95KG | RR | 2020 |
23052 | Nathiely JesusNathiely Jesus | L | Choke | Queen Of Mats | 95KG | SF | 2020 |
23371 | Gabrieli PessanhaGabrieli Pessanha | L | Adv | France Nat. Pro | 95KG | F | 2020 |
23631 | Sabatha Lais | L | Choke from back | South American Pro | 70KG | F | 2020 |
24442 | Beatriz MesquitaBeatriz Mesquita | L | Pts: 4x0 | BJJ Stars 4 | 69KG | SPF | 2020 |
24834 | Julia Boscher | L | Pts: 2x1 | Grand Slam RJ | 70KG | F | 2020 |
25132 | Beatriz MesquitaBeatriz Mesquita | L | Pts: 2x0 | BJJ Stars 5 | N/A | SPF | 2021 |
26029 | Izadora Cristina | L | Pts: 7x4 | The New Star | 70KG | SF | 2021 |
29677 | Andresa Cintra | L | Pts: 2x2, Adv | World Champ. | 69KG | F | 2021 |
33160 | Thalyta SilvaThalyta Silva | L | Pts: 2x0 | World Champ. | 69KG | SF | 2022 |
34764 | Izadora Cristina | L | Pts: 2x2 | Grand Slam MIA | 70KG | SF | 2022 |
38672 | Elisabeth ClayElisabeth Clay | L | Referee Decision | Pan American | 69KG | SF | 2023 |
40642 | Andressa Cintra | L | Pts: 4x4, Adv | World Champ. | 69KG | SF | 2023 |
41424 | Melissa Cueto | L | Pts: 2x2, Adv | American Nats | ABS | F | 2023 |
41482 | Elisabeth ClayElisabeth Clay | L | Inside heel hook | American NNG | ABS | F | 2023 |
43237 | Izadora Cristina | L | Pts: 3x0 | ADGS Miami | 70KG | SF | 2023 |
43239 | Gio Carneiro | L | Armbar | ADGS Miami | 70KG | RPC | 2023 |
45972 | Gabrielle McComb | L | Pts: 4x0 | NoGi World | 67KG | F | 2023 |
20861 | Claudia Do Val | W | Referee Decision | F2W 114 | N/A | SPF | 2019 |
21726 | Woods Heather | W | Pts: 7x2 | Grand Slam LA | 70KG | 4F | 2019 |
21727 | Sarah Draht | W | submission | Grand Slam LA | 70KG | SF | 2019 |
21728 | Gabi McComb | W | submission | Grand Slam LA | 70KG | F | 2019 |
22377 | Renata Marinho | W | Pts: 4x0 | Grand Slam RJ | 70KG | 4F | 2019 |
22378 | Melissa Cueto | W | Submission | Grand Slam RJ | 70KG | SF | 2019 |
22379 | Larissa Paes | W | Armbar | Grand Slam RJ | 70KG | F | 2019 |
23050 | Martina Gremanius | W | Pts: 9x1 | Queen Of Mats | 95KG | RR | 2020 |
23055 | Kendall ReusingKendall Reusing | W | Pts: 4x2 | Queen Of Mats | 95KG | 3RD | 2020 |
23194 | Vedha Toscano | W | Kneebar | European Open | 69KG | 4F | 2020 |
23195 | Hannah Rauch | W | Toe hold | European Open | 69KG | SF | 2020 |
23196 | Dannielle Alvarez | W | Kneebar | European Open | 69KG | F | 2020 |
23703 | Grace Ferla | W | Submission | Grand Slam LDN | 70KG | 4F | 2020 |
23704 | Weronika Rot | W | Submission | Grand Slam LDN | 70KG | SF | 2020 |
23705 | Martina Gremanius | W | Triangle | Grand Slam LDN | 70KG | F | 2020 |
24830 | Vanessa Araujo | W | Triangle | Grand Slam RJ | 70KG | 4F | 2020 |
24832 | Sabatha Lais | W | Pts: 2x1 | Grand Slam RJ | 70KG | SF | 2020 |
25815 | Renata Marinho | W | Kneebar | The New Star | 70KG | R1 | 2021 |
26531 | Jessika Bartoli | W | Pts: 8x3 | SA Cont. Pro | 70KG | R1 | 2021 |
26533 | Victoria Ulrich | W | Submission | SA Cont. Pro | 70KG | 4F | 2021 |
26535 | Stephanie Faure | W | Submission | SA Cont. Pro | 70KG | SF | 2021 |
26536 | Izadora Cristina | W | Referee Decision | SA Cont. Pro | 70KG | F | 2021 |
28772 | Elisabeth ClayElisabeth Clay | W | Toe hold | F2W 186 | 70KG | SPF | 2021 |
29673 | Elizabeth Exell | W | Armbar | World Champ. | 69KG | 4F | 2021 |
29675 | Raquel Canuto | W | Pts: 5x0 | World Champ. | 69KG | SF | 2021 |
31801 | Natalia Zumba | W | Pts: 6x0 | Pan American | 69KG | SF | 2022 |
31802 | Chloe McNallyChloe McNally | W | Pts: 0x0, Pen | Pan American | 69KG | F | 2022 |
33159 | Natalia Zumba | W | Toe hold | World Champ. | 69KG | 4F | 2022 |
34314 | Mayara Custodio | W | Omoplata | Sta Cruz Open | ABS | SF | 2022 |
34315 | Melissa Cueto | W | Omoplata armbar | Sta Cruz Open | ABS | F | 2022 |
34760 | Thalyta SilvaThalyta Silva | W | Pts: 3x0 | Grand Slam MIA | 70KG | 4F | 2022 |
39264 | Kylie Lasater | W | N/A | Santa Cruz O | ABS | SF | 2023 |
39265 | Mayara Custodio | W | Cross choke | Santa Cruz O | ABS | F | 2023 |
39283 | Isa Reiber | W | Triangle | S. Cruz NGO | ABS | SF | 2023 |
39284 | Kaimana Newman | W | Toe hold | S. Cruz NGO | ABS | F | 2023 |
40641 | Raquel Canuto | W | Triangle | World Champ. | 69KG | 4F | 2023 |
41413 | Elisabeth ClayElisabeth Clay | W | Pts: 2x0 | American Nats | 64KG | F | 2023 |
41421 | Leticia Cardozo | W | Triangle | American Nats | ABS | 4F | 2023 |
41422 | Elisabeth ClayElisabeth Clay | W | Pts: 12x10 | American Nats | ABS | SF | 2023 |
41481 | Elizabeth MitrovicElizabeth Mitrovic | W | Terra lock | American NNG | ABS | SF | 2023 |
43235 | Leticia Santos | W | Kneebar | ADGS Miami | 70KG | 4F | 2023 |
43585 | Amanda Lowen | W | Pts: 6x0 | Spokane Sub | 68KG | SPF | 2023 |
45965 | Janine Mutton | W | Triangle | NoGi World | 67KG | R1 | 2023 |
45966 | Rosa Walsh | W | Inside heel hook | NoGi World | 67KG | 4F | 2023 |
45971 | Deise Leonanjo | W | Armbar | NoGi World | 67KG | SF | 2023 |
49455 | Thaynara Conceicao | W | Pts: 14x0 | Brasileiro | 74KG | 4F | 2024 |
49456 | Ingridd AlvesIngridd Alves | W | Points | Brasileiro | 74KG | SF | 2024 |
50634 | Izadora Cristina | W | Pts: 4x2 | World Champ. | 74KG | 4F | 2024 |
50635 | Amy CampoAmy Campo | W | Pts: 0x0, Adv | World Champ. | 74KG | SF | 2024 |
50637 | Maria VicentiniMaria Vicentini | W | Pts: 0x0, Adv | World Champ. | 74KG | F | 2024 |
Thamara Ferreira vs Alessandra Moss
She’s the best!!!
Thamara tu representa todas nós que amamos esse esporte, vc inspira muitas de nós a nunca desistir e lutar pelos nossos sonhos!! O céu não será jamais o limite pra vc!! Sucesso sempre de coração é o que te desejo!